Sharing your data in a cluster

Occasionally, you might be in a situation where you need to spin up several of the same containers in a cluster and share data amongst them.

For Example:
It'd be a pain to have to upload a license for each container and it might be especially annoying if you need to spin up the container dynamically. In order to get around this problem, you can "share" your license key with other containers in your cluster via a docker volume mounted to your containers (assuming you're running locally), or via a shared EFS volume on AWS.

Local Setup

To do this locally, you can do the following using the CLI:

1. Create your shared volume. I named it "shared-lic-vol" but you can call it whatever you want.

$> docker volume create shared-lic-vol


2. Verify that your volume was created sucessfully

$> docker volume ls

local     shared-lic-vol

3. Inspect it, in order to find the Mountpoint.

$> docker volume inspect shared-lic-vol
        "CreatedAt": "2022-04-29T21:40:59Z",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data",
        "Name": "shared-lic-vol",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"

4. Run your first container, providing the environment variable GAI_VOLUME_PATH which should be where you mount your docker volume. Note the -v flag, which is something like name-of-volume:where-you-mount-that-volume. Finally, somewhat obviously, line continuation characters might vary depending on if you use powershell (windows), terminal (mac, linux, etc.). You can just...all put it on the same line too, if you're into that sort of thing.

One long string

docker run -d --env GAI_VOLUME_PATH=/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data -v shared-lic-vol:/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data -p 7000:80 gx-images:t-995cb56d6c10472fa23649271c9d9b92

Windows (powershell)

PS C:\Users\Me\Downloads> docker run -d --env GAI_VOLUME_PATH=/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data `
>> -v shared-lic-vol:/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data `
>> -p 7000:80 gx-images:t-995cb56d6c10472fa23649271c9d9b92

Linux/Mac (terminal)

$> docker run -d --env GAI_VOLUME_PATH=/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data \
> -v shared-lic-vol:/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data \
> -p 7000:80 gx-images:t-995cb56d6c10472fa23649271c9d9b92

5. You can then create as many other containers as you wish, sharing that same volume and spun up in the same way. Just make sure you use different ports.

Windows (powershell)

PS C:\Users\Me\Downloads> docker run -d --env GAI_VOLUME_PATH=/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data `
>> -v shared-lic-vol:/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data `
>> -p 7001:80 gx-images:t-995cb56d6c10472fa23649271c9d9b92

Linux/Mac (terminal)

$> docker run -d --env GAI_VOLUME_PATH=/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data \
> -v shared-lic-vol:/var/lib/docker/volumes/shared-lic-vol/_data \
> -p 7001:80 gx-images:t-995cb56d6c10472fa23649271c9d9b92


After you establish a shared volume amongst your containers, you are effectively sharing data between the containers.
E.g. if you were to upload a license key on one running container, you should also see that license set for a container running that exact image.